What Do Americans Want from Immigration Reform in 2014?








On Tuesday, PRRI, in partnership with the Brookings Institution, released its latest survey, What Americans Want from Immigration Reform in 2014.

The survey finds that, when asked how the immigration system should deal with immigrants currently living in the country illegally, 62 percent of Americans favor allowing them a way to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, 17 percent favor allowing them to become permanent legal residents but not citizens, and 19 percent favor identifying and deporting them.

The report offers a rare window into how individual Americans’ views on immigration have changed over time because results are based on a call-back survey of the same individuals who participated in the March 2013 PRRI/Brookings Religion, Values and Immigration Survey, one of the largest surveys ever conducted on the issue.

Panelists at the event included Robert P. Jones, PRRI CEO, E.J. Dionne and William Galston, Brookings senior fellows, Robert Costa, a national political reporter for the Washington Post, and Stella Rouse, an assistant professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland and assistant director of and research fellow at the Center for American Politics and Citizenship.

Below, Robert P. Jones discusses the findings.


Watch the entire event below.


Check out the full report, including topline and research methodology, over on our research page.
