Republicans Divided on Limiting Power Plant Emissions

President Trump is set to undo much of the Obama administration’s initiatives curbing climate change, including limiting power plant emissions. But the PRRI/AAR climate change survey finds most Americans want stricter pollution laws—and constituents in President Trump’s own party are divided.

A majority (57 percent) of the country favors stricter limits on the amount of carbon dioxide that power plants and other industrial facilities can release, even if it raises the prices of goods and services. Seventy percent of Democrats and 55 percent of independents agree. And even among Republicans, there is no clear consensus: 47 percent favor stricter limits while 48 percent oppose them.

White evangelical Protestants, another key part of President’s Trump’s base, are also divided. Just under half (49 percent) favor stricter limits on power plants, while 45 percent are opposed.

For more, read through the PRRI/AAR climate change survey.