The Religion of New Hampshire: A State Portrait from PRRI’s American Values Atlas

New Hampshire’s Religious Landscape, 2007 vs. 2015

Over the last eight years, New Hampshire’s religious landscape has been remarkably stable, with no group experiencing outsized gains or losses since 2007. The religiously unaffiliated make up nearly three in ten (29 percent) New Hampshire residents, roughly similar to their proportion in 2007. Nearly one-quarter (24 percent) of New Hampshire residents are white Catholic, while somewhat fewer identify as white mainline Protestant (17 percent) and white evangelical Protestant (9 percent). Unlike other early primary states, New Hampshire is home to fewer white evangelical Protestants than the U.S. overall (9 percent and 17.3 percent, respectively).

Despite the relative stability in the patterns of religious affiliation, the total population of white Christians in the state has declined modestly over the past eight years. Only half (50 percent) of the state’s residents now identify as white Christian, compared to roughly six in ten (58 percent) in 2007.

PRRI New Hampshire Table