New Survey | Economic Insecurity, Rising Inequality, and Doubts about the Future: Findings from PRRI’s 2014 American Values Survey

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Today, PRRI released our newest report,  “Economic Insecurity, Rising Inequality, and Doubts about the Future: Findings from the 2014 American Values Survey,” which reveals that, although the economy has improved overall, Americans have a bleak outlook about their personal financial situation and the economic future of the country.

A majority of Americans report being in only fair (37 percent) or poor financial shape (20 percent), while fewer say they are currently in excellent (7 percent) or good (34 percent) shape financially. These numbers show a significant drop from 2010, when half of Americans indicated they were in excellent (9 percent) or good (41 percent) shape financially.

This is the fifth annual American Values Survey from PRRI, which also covers topics such as Tea Party popularity, religious liberty, voting preferences for the midterm election, and racial inequality in the criminal justice system.

Visit the executive summary and press release for more information.