2013 Economic Values Survey Released Today

Did you know more than 4-in-10 Americans believe capitalism is not working well? Or how about the fact that 1-in-5 Americans are religious progressives while roughly 3-in-10 are religious conservatives? Our 2013 Economic Values Survey, just released today, has some findings that may surprise you. Check out our research page to see the full results of the report, which was conducted in partnership with the Governance Studies Program at Brookings Institution.

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Keep in mind it’s not too late to join us for the report’s launch, set for 2 p.m. today at Brookings! Authors Robert P. Jones, E.J. Dionne, Jr. and William A. Galston will present the survey’s results, and will be joined for a panel discussion by Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Editor-in-Chief Laura Olson, Fordham University Professor Emeritus Peter Steinfels and Rev. Alvin Herring of the PICO National Network. Click here to register, and we hope to see you there!