PRRI has on ongoing partnership with The Brookings Institution’s Governance Studies Program, working closely with Brookings Senior Fellows E.J. Dionne Jr., and William Galston. PRRI and Brookings conduct multiple joint studies each year, and Brookings hosts the release of PRRI’s American Values Survey each year. Read the latest American Values Survey report here.

Working with The Atlantic team, PRRI released a survey on what Americans—specifically Trump supporters—want from their candidates and their government. Read the PRRI/The Atlantic poll here

PRRI works with the Religion News Service to produce quarterly polls on breaking issues at the intersection of religion and politics. The PRRI-RNS partnership is one of PRRI’s oldest partnerships, beginning in 2011.

In 2014, PRRI partnered with the American Academy of Religion (AAR) to publish a major climate change survey. The survey was released at a presidential plenary session at AAR’s 2014 Annual Meeting.

Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
In 2012, PRRI partnered with Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs to conduct theMillennial Values Survey, a two-wave study exploring the political perspectives, cultural worldview and religious orientations of college-age young adults.

Cornell University
The Roper Center Archives at Cornell University, one of the world’s leading archives of social science data, proudly houses the PRRI poll database. Through iPoll, a search engine available on the PRRI site, users can search for specific survey questions and results from nearly 100 national PRRI polls.

All PRRI surveys are available to the public without a subscription at the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA), which has provided free access to some of the best data on religion since 1998.