PRRI’s Newest Immigration Report Receives Comprehensive Coverage in The New York Times

Prominently featured both online and in The New York Times print edition today is an article by Julia Preston on PRRI’s latest report, What Americans (Still) Want from Immigration Reform, released just today at the American Academy of Religion Annual Conference!2013.Immigration_Phase2.COVER

A consistent and solid majority of Americans — 63 percent — crossing party and religious lines favors legislation to create a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living in the United States illegally, while only 14 percent support legal residency with no option for citizenship, according a report published Monday by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute.

Those surveyed expressed strong support for citizenship for 11.7 million immigrants in the country without documents just as Congress appears to be shifting away from that approach, with Republican leaders in the House working on measures that would offer legal status without a direct path to naturalization.

Sixty percent of Republicans, 57 percent of independents and 73 percent of Democrats favor a pathway to citizenship, according to the report. Majorities of Protestants, Catholics and Americans with no religious affiliation also support that plan.

For more, be sure to check out the full article over at The New York Times.