Survey Report
Politics & Elections
Only 1-in-5 Give ‘Moral State of the Union’ High Marks
A PRRI survey finds that fewer than one-quarter of Americans say they would give the current “moral state of the union” a grade of an “A” or “B.”
  Recent polling reveals that the public saw the lack of civility in American politics as a serious problem, even before the shootings of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, Ar…
Ahead of the 2010 holiday season, a PRRI/RNS Religion survey finds that one in ten Americans have family members celebrating a different holiday than their own.
Perceptions of Obama’s faith, views on Islam, and priorities of white evangelicals: these topics and more in a survey conducted with The Brookings Institution.
Americans are fed up with the lack of civil discourse in the country and say the U.S. is more politically divided than it was in the past, finds a PRRI/RNS poll.
Despite their own views on the issues, few Americans believe that places of worship are doing a good job handling the issue of homosexuality.
Survey Report
Politics & Elections
Religion and the Tea Party in the 2010 Elections
PRRI’s 2010 AVS profiles the Tea Party movement, finding that nearly half of those who identify with the movement say they are also part of the religious right.
Today comedian Stephen Colbert appeared before a House sub-committee to discuss immigration reform. His testimony, delivered tongue-in-cheek, contained a serious message. According to the Washington P…
Amid the political wrangling over the Defense Authorization Bill today that centers on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, as well as enacting the DREAM Act, we are reminded that Americans are de…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Religion Dispatches: Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?
In Religion Dispatches today Kathryn Joyce addresses the possibility of a political partnership between conservative Christian denominations and the Mormon church. Glenn Beck’s efforts to transform…
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