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Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
As Dr. Robert P. Jones predicted in last week’s “Figuring Faith,” this weekend’s annual Values Voter Summit was a testing ground for Mitt Romney, the GOP front-runner and a devout Mormon. Wh…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Despite the current debate over whether white evangelicals will support a Mormon candidate for President, according to research from PRRI, these two groups share similar political values and beliefs.
The Occupy Wall Street movement has been slowly creeping into the news cycle since it began in New York City in mid-September. As the protests begin to gather steam and spread to other cities,…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Many of the GOP primary candidates will be in DC this weekend, but not for a debate (I hear your sigh of relief. There have been a lot of those recently). They’re all speaking at the annual…
Spotlight Analysis
Climate Change & Science
Churches are worried, and with good reason. A new study from the Hartford Institute for Religion Research released last week reported that over the past decade, America’s congregations have lost m…
Spotlight Analysis
Climate Change & Science
Following on the heels of the latest PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, which tackled the thorny issues of climate change and evolution in the 2012 elections, Yale University’s Project on Climate Change…
In the aftermath of the judicial decision that upheld key portions of Alabama’s new immigration law, which the state’s governor is now touting as the “strongest” in the country, immigrants are…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Late last week, the lower house of the Swiss Parliament passed a piece of legislation that would bar Muslim women from wearing face-covering veils, including the burqa, a body-covering, full-veil ro…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Taking the temperature of America’s congregations might seem like an impossible task, given the country’s vast array of religious institutions, but a new survey from The Hartford Institute for Rel…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Although the idea of Biblical womanhood may seem foreign to some, it’s a crucial concept for the solid majority (66%) of white evangelical Christians who believe that the Bible is the literal wo…
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