Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Breaking Down Mitt Romney’s Michigan Win
Mitt Romney eked out a narrow victory in Michigan, retaining his grip on front-runner status (at least until Super Tuesday). His win in Arizona was much more decisive. The exit polls in both states sh…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Santorum Misses the Mark on Famous Kennedy Speech
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum had some harsh words for president John F. Kennedy’s now famous address, declaring that the 1960 speech to a group of ministers in Houston on the role of religion…
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Romney’s Losing Female Voters, But Not Just to Obama
In the wake of the debate over the White House’s contraception mandate, are women turning away from Mitt Romney and looking toward Obama? Not necessarily. Ever since culture wars issues like abortio…
Spotlight Analysis
Climate Change & Science
Santorum’s Climate Change Theology Doesn’t Align With Other Catholics
With a week left until the Michigan primary, Rick Santorum is neck-and-neck with Mitt Romney, in a state that will test Santorum’s ability to connect with blue-collar voters. Perhaps in an attempt t…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Religious Convictions Don’t Always Conflict With Belief in Evolution
Yesterday, thousands of people marked the 203rd anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, celebrating “Darwin Day” in a wide variety of ways. The International Darwin Day Foundation declares that t…
Spotlight Analysis
Young Adults Are Moving Home, But Staying Hopeful
Yet more proof that the world can change a lot in 20 years: in 1993, 80% of parents with young children said that children should be financially independent from their parents by the age of 22. Now, a…
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Understanding the Nuances of Catholics’ Perspectives on the Contraception Mandate
PRRI’s February Religion & Politics Tracking Survey has been in the news quite a bit recently, given the ongoing controversy around whether religiously affiliated hospitals, colleges and soc…
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Compromising on Contraceptive Coverage Could Land Obama in Hot Water With Young Women
Rumors are flying fast and furious that the Obama administration, pelted by blows from the Catholic Church and Republicans over its regulation requiring religiously affiliated colleges, hospitals and…
Survey Report
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Most Catholics Say Employers Should Provide Health Care Plans that Cover Birth Control
Nearly six in ten U.S. Catholics support the mandate requiring employers to provide health insurance covering contraception at no cost, according to a PRRI poll.
In his speech at the annual National Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning, President Obama added a controversial twist to his recent emphasis on economic fairness: he added a religious imperative. “I…
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