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Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Will the next generation of GOP leaders have socially liberal views?
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Bachmann's allegations against Huma Abedin, a fire at a Missouri mosque, and a shooting at a Sikh temple raise questions about Americans' attitudes toward Muslims.
Tea Party women dismiss "Julia," the Obama campaign's virtual poster girl for social welfare programs, as sexist propaganda. Do other Americans agree?
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Although some churches are using social media to connect with their congregants, few Americans report using technology or social media for religious purposes.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
The GOP hopes that it can convince disaffected Jewish Americans who supported Obama in 2008 to vote Republican in November.
Survey Report
Religion & Culture
Americans report limited use of technology for religious purposes, both inside and outside of worship services, according to a PRRI survey.
A new study conducted by researchers at the Brookings Institution and the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center reveals that Romney’s proposed budget would raise taxes for 95% of Americans – while reducin…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Studies show link between religiosity, benevolent behavior; Sunday Effect and prosocial behavior; Millennials, atheism, and charitable behavior.
What are Mitt Romney's surrogates really trying to convey when they reference Romney's "Anglo-Saxon heritage"?
Survey Report
Abortion & Reproductive Health
For Hispanic Americans, views about the morality of abortion and its legality are closely linked, but among black Americans, this is not the case.
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Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
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