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After nearly four years in office, 16% of voters still (incorrectly) believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Using PRRI surveys, we take a look at Americans' attitudes toward Mitt Romney's religious beliefs.
Spotlight Analysis
Climate Change & Science
With Hurricane Isaac rolling through southern Louisiana while the Republican National Convention enters its last day, surprisingly few people are talking about climate change.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
The Romney campaign wants to expand its Hispanic voting base. To do so, however, they may need to talk more about immigration and less about social issues.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Strong majorities of religious Americans support abortion rights in four of seven circumstances.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
How socially conservative are Hispanic Americans, how persuadable are Hispanic Americans on social issues, and how important are these issues to Hispanic American voters?
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
There is little consensus among Americans about the best way to prevent mass shootings.
Survey Report
Law & Criminal Justice
The August 2012 PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey finds 52% of Americans in favor of passing stricter gun control laws, with notable demographic divides.
Catholics are an important swing group, and Romney and Obama's focuses on religious liberty and economic inequality have both been sanctioned by the USCCB.
Mitt Romney has played down his personal Mormon faith, but has not hesitated to harness “religion” under other guises for political gain.
American Values Atlas:
Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
AVA Interactive Map
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