New PRRI/RNS survey also finds that a majority of Americans do not think the U.S. is currently setting a good moral example for the rest of the world.
Ahead of the pope's encyclical on the environment, PRRI looks at how Catholics compare with other religious Americans on the topics of dominion and stewardship.
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GOP Shift on Same-sex Marriage is Doubtful
New analysis of AVA findings show that Republicans are unlikely to embrace same-sex marriage anytime soon.
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Where Americans of Every Age Stand on Same-sex Marriage
New analysis of PRRI's American Values Atlas reveals just how important age is in determining one's likelihood of favoring the legalization of same-sex marriage.
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Law & Criminal Justice
Everything You Need to Know about Same-sex Marriage for the Upcoming SCOTUS Case
With the Supreme Court set to rule on the legality of same-sex marriage by the end of the month, PRRI created a comprehensive guide of everything you need to know about public attitudes on this issue.
Over the last decade, support for legalizing same-sex marriage has grown to majority support. PRRI looks at the growth among Protestant groups and Catholics.
New survey also finds over six in ten Americans say transgender people face a lot of discrimination in the U.S. today.
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Climate Change & Science
Five Facts on Catholics and Climate Change
With Pope Francis' encyclical due later this month, PRRI takes a look at what American Catholics think about climate change.
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Politics & Elections
Millennials and Political “Slacktivism”
Members of the Millennial generation aren’t as politically engaged as many make them out to be, according to findings in PRRI’s millennial report.
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Climate Change & Science
Americans Think Climate Change is a Serious Threat—For Other People
Americans think climate change is a problem—just not for them. Our climate change survey reveals Americans' perceptions of who will be harmed by climate change.
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