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Climate Change & Science
Most Americans favor stricter limits on power plant emissions—and Republicans are divided on the issue.
As President Trump rolls back Obama-era guidelines protecting transgender students, PRRI finds a majority of Americans oppose transgender bathroom laws.
Survey Report
Politics & Elections
As President Trump’s tumultuous first month comes to an end, a PRRI survey finds 47% of the public believe the president has violated the Constitution.
California's religious, racial, and ethnic profile closely resembles the country’s youngest generation.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Yearly, Americans observe Presidents Day in celebration for George Washington’s birthday and in remembrance of our nation’s leaders, both past and present. Using PRRI’s 2016 American Values Surv…
Americans employ a double standard over whether Christians and Muslims are true to their faith if they commit violent acts in the name of their religion.
Ahead of Valentine's Day, PRRI looks at the rise in religiously unaffiliated couples and views on differing religious beliefs as a relationship deal breaker.
Spotlight Analysis
Six members of the New England Patriots will not visit the White House. New PRRI analysis shows Republicans may be more bothered by this.
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
New analysis zeroes in on the social context of Americans' attitudes on Islam by highlighting that very few Americans regularly speak with Muslims.
Spotlight Analysis
Most American religious groups support same-sex marriage and oppose religiously based service refusals.
American Values Atlas:
Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
AVA Interactive Map
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