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Are schools required to teach children how to read?
Spotlight Analysis
Race & Ethnicity
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2043, whites will not be the major racial demographic in the United States.
Survey Report
Religion, wedding cakes, and the right to refuse: Americans are split almost exactly down the middle.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Dan Cox, PhD, examines how the nation feels about outside interference by a foreign government.
Survey Report
Politics & Elections
Two-thirds of the country agree: America is going off track.
Susan Collins, abortion, and Maine.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Molly Fisch-Friedman analyzes the growing tensions among public school teachers and their districts.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Americans largely reject family separations.
Survey Report
Politics & Elections
PRRI's Robert Griffin helps to examine how Americans view special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russia and the 2016 presidential election.
Fewer than half (40%) of the public believes that the U.S. sets a good moral example for the rest of the world.
American Values Atlas:
Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
AVA Interactive Map
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