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Politics & Elections
According to a 2018 PRRI survey, a majority of Americans say the country would be better off with more women in political office.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Amid all the ongoing changes in the country that generally favor Democrats, is it still possible that President Donald Trump will be reelected in 2020? Because I study religious and demographic change…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
New data from a survey of AAPIs in the state point to a tight contest for support among Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Kamala Harris, with Elizabeth Warren lagging somewhat behind and Andrew Yang stru…
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Younger Americans (ages 18-29) are more supportive of abortion compared to other age groups.
Spotlight Analysis
On Oct.8, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear three cases that will decide LGBT nondiscrimination protections.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
There is widespread support among all partisans on this issue.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Despite the documented change in the Texas population, opinions on key issues that divide Democrats and Republicans have not moved in the last few years.
Spotlight Analysis
Just under half (49%) of Americans report that they themselves have had an abortion or know someone who has (or both).
Spotlight Analysis
When it comes to prioritizing career or personal matters, most Californians prioritize personal matters.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Support for abortion legality varies significantly by region.
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Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
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