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Quality is a continuum, not a good/bad dichotomy.
bout one in five Americans (19%) identify as Catholic according to the PRRI 2019 American Values Survey, down slightly from 22% in 2010.
Four in ten (40%) Mormons hold unfavorable views of the president.
Spotlight Analysis
Climate Change & Science
Against the backdrop of extreme weather events, more Americans than ever before believe that climate change is a real phenomenon that is occurring around the world.
Analyzing Black Protestants and the 2020 election.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Favorability of Trump White evangelical Protestant attitudes about Donald Trump have moved through three distinct phases since PRRI has been tracking them beginning in 2015: Before Trump became the…
A look at PRRI's most vital information from 2019.
Spotlight Analysis
Looking at the Fairness for All Act.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
98% of Republican white evangelical Protestants oppose Trump’s impeachment.
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Violent and dehumanizing political rhetoric has been shown to make people more willing to endorse violence.
American Values Atlas:
Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
AVA Interactive Map
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