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In The New York Times | Do Gays Unsettle You?
Joanna Piacenza,


Earlier this week, Alabama became the 37th state to allow same-sex marriages. Despite this promising news for gay rights advocates, New York Times’ columnist, Frank Bruni taps into PRRI’s recent survey to show how Americans have still not fully accepted the LGBT community:

Pollsters have learned that people often say what they think they’re supposed to rather than how they really feel. Their feelings, in any case, are mixed and evolving…In a survey conducted a little over a year ago by the Public Religion Research Institute, 51 percent of respondents said that sex between two men or two women is morally wrong.

Recent data from the American Values Atlas shows support for same-sex marriage in Alabama is the lowest in the nation: 32 percent favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally, while 59 percent oppose. Among Americans overall, the numbers are essentially reversed: 54 percent and  38 percent oppose.

Read the entire article here, find PRRI’s LGBT issue survey here, and explore our state-specific same-sex marriage data here.