Press Coverage
The Herald Times
Weekly abortion protest coincides with Roe v. Wade anniversary
Press Coverage
The Nebraska City News-Press
Millions of people think God will decide who wins the Super Bowl
Press Coverage
Opposing Views
Seahawks Quarterback Claims God Engineered Drama At Packers Game
Press Coverage
The Huffington Post/The Daily Kos
1 in 4 Americans Believe God Will Decide Who Wins The Super Bowl
Press Coverage
The Huffington Post/News OK
Here’s All The Proof You Need That America Is Ready For Gay Professional Athletes
Press Coverage
Religion News Service/The Washington Post/Charisma News/Scientific Computing/The Salt Lake Tribune/The Biblical Recorder/The Deseret News/The National Catholic Reporter/The Colorado Springs Gazette/The St. Louis Post-Dispatch/The Sharon Herald/The Statesboro Herald/Crux
What’s God got to do with football devotion? Plenty.
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