Young Men and Women Are Diverging Politically. That Could Shape the 2024 Election.

Young Men and Women Are Diverging Politically. That Could Shape the 2024 Election.

For CNN, Ronald Brownstein writes that as young women move left and young men move right, the advantage Democrats have traditionally held with younger voters is at stake – an advantage President Joe Biden likely needs to win the 2024 presidential election. “The difference is young women are voting more on culture and rights, such as abortion, and young men are probably going to be more compelled to vote on economic reasons,” said Melissa Deckman, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of PRRI. Among Gen Z adults, PRRI finds there is a pronounced gender gap in partisanship, with Gen Z women more likely than Gen Z men to identify as Democrats (41% vs. 30%, respectively).

The Religious Right Isn’t Hiding What It’s Doing in the Courts

In a conversation with Katherine Stewart, an author and journalist who covers religious nationalism, and Rachel Laser, president and CEO at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick examines the ways Christian nationalism has become embedded into the United States’ legislative and judicial branches. The speakers argue that the rhetoric of violence from Christian nationalists is becoming more prevalent, motivated by the belief that God gave the United States to European Christians. This leads these groups to focus their attacks on principles like the separation of church and state. PRRI finds that Christian nationalists are about twice as likely as other Americans to believe political violence may be justified.

Judge Calls DeSantis Ban on Transgender Care Unconstitutional

Lori Rozsa at The Washington Post reports that a federal judge has blocked portions of a Florida law that restricted transgender health care for adults and banned it completely for children. Florida was the first state to limit care for transgender adults, though 25 states have banned gender-affirming care for young people across the U.S. A clinic that offers healthcare to transgender individuals said the ruling will allow the business to clear a backlog of hormone prescriptions for more than 300 patients. PRRI researchfinds 68% of Americans said it was their impression that there was a lot of discrimination against transgender people.

Southern Baptists Expel Virginia Church Over Woman Pastor; Trump and Pence Address Affiliated Groups

Ahead of a vote on a formal ban on churches with women pastors, the Associated Press reports that the Southern Baptist Convention ousted a Virginia congregation for affirming women can serve in pastoral roles. According to PRRI, one in four white evangelical Protestants say they wish their church had more women in positions of leadership compared with 37% of American churchgoers. During this year’s annual meeting, delegates also approved a resolution against any effort to establish a state religion. At related events, former President Trumpvirtually addressed a group that aims to “eradicate” abortion and former Vice President Pence spoke at a luncheon focused on public service.

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Read PRRI’s Spotlight Analysis, “Perceptions of Anti-Transgender Discrimination Amid the Deluge of Anti-Transgender Legislation.”