Public Religion Research Institute CEO Dr. Robert P. Jones served as a featured speaker at the recent Leading Edge Conference at Middle Collegiate Church, a conference on multicultural congregations and work for social justice. In response to numerous requests, we’ve posted the slides from the presentation below. It includes insights from Dr. Jones’ book, Progressive & Religious and also results from PRRI’s 2009 Religious Activists Surveys, the most comprehensive comparative portraits of conservative and progressive religious activists ever conducted.
Thanks to Rev. Jacqui Lewis and the Middle Project team for a great conference–still going on through Tuesday. Dr. Jones’ presentation also included preliminary analysis of research among Millennial Generation young adults (18-29 year olds) who are committed to social justice work and who have a connection to their faith and local congregations. Stay tuned at the Middle Project for the full findings to be released this summer.
View more presentations from Public Religion Research Institute.